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Interview Attire for Women

If you are a recent college graduate, or jumping into the workforce after an extended break, setting yourself up to stand out from your competition is a professional priority. Your choice of interview attire will be viewed as an indicator of how serious you are about getting the job. Here is a guideline that will take you step by step: Job Interview Attire Basics A dark, two-piece, gray, navy or black suit is your best option when interviewing with a conservative company. Compliment it with a light colored blouse or cotton shirt. Steer clear from strapless, spaghetti straps and well-worn tees under the jacket. Women can wear a black suit easier than men because they can lighten the look with a soft colored blouse and accessories. Pantsuit vs. skirt suit. A pantsuit is generally an acceptable choice for a job interview, although, there are still some exceptions depending on the company. When in doubt, ask the recruiter or Career Service counselor at your university f
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Interview Suits for Men

The words you say in a professional situation are an important thing. But what you wear while you say it is also very important. If you aren’t careful, you might be saying the wrong things at the wrong time with your wardrobe. A question we should all be asking as men when we look in the mirror is, “Does this suit suit me?” For men, there is no question that a suit makes a statement. This is also true for women. But when it comes to women’s fashion, I don’t have much to offer in the way of insight. So for the purposes of this post, let’s focus on menswear with the caveat that I would love to hear any insight women can give for women’s apparel and professionalism in the comments section. Fair enough? The Suit Image The motivation behind this post began when I came across this video on . The items he recommends are considered the essentials of a professional wardrobe. But I would add that these wardrobe pieces are for working professionals clothing that cr

Interview Perfume

For perfume, there’s one rule: don’t wear any. You never know if your favorite scent – even if you are convinced it’s the lightest, most perfect fragrance on earth – will cause an allergic reaction in your future employer. The only way to smell for a job interview is clean, which really means no noticeable smell at all. Now, that said, there is one exception to this rule – if you are interviewing for a company that produces perfume! In that case, feel free to wear a product created by that company, but do put it on in small doses. A little goes a long way!

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What to Wear to an Online Interview

An online interview is just as important as a face to face interview, therefore it is important that you dress the part. Here a few things to look out for You should be a bit weary of is how the colors you choose to wear look on your computer screen. All monitors are not the same, so if you choose to wear a vibrant or intense color, it may be unappealing to the interviewer. To avoid drawing a lot of attention to your attire, make sure to sit in front of your web cam before the interview so you can see how the colors look on screen.  If they look odd or hurt your eyes, wear something else.Also, black and white stripes usually dazzle on screen. Corporate Jobs If you are interviewing for a corporate position such as one with a bank or an insurance company, you will want to dress in professional business attire. Men, you should wear a suit and tie. Make sure the suit is dark and doesn’t draw too much attention. Ladies, you too can wear a suit for this kind of position and s

Interview Jewelry

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Dressing for a Finance Interview

In an industry that places significant emphasis on appearances, dressing for an interview in the financial sector should not be taken lightly. For both women and men: The finance sector, more so than other industries, puts a premium on a conservative appearance; it’s in your best interest to dress with caution for an interview. Caution means maintaining a clean, polished and professional look and steering clear of any pieces that are funky, flashy or casual. One should always aim to overdress, invoking the old adage: “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have [or are currently interviewing for].” Basically, if it’s an auditing position you’re after, dress as you imagine a VP of Finance might. Above all else, however, for both men and women it’s imperative that one’s interview suit fit impeccably. This should come as something of a relief for most, as it means one can be less focused on the brand or price of the suit. You could honestly wear your grand